Chuck Dougherty

Coaching Experience: Started Glenside Volleyball program in 2008. St. Luke CYO Coach and Coordinator 2009-2020. CYO Region 11 Commissioner 2016-2020. GPS Crush 2014-2016. TNT Volleyball Club Director and Coach 2016-Present. Head Coach Germantown Academy Upper School Varsity 2021-Present. Inter-Ac Champions 2022 (24-3 record).
Playing Experience: Solid BB-A player since 1990 with a minuscule vertical. Played Adult leagues, grass tournaments and beach tournaments all over NJ. Much better at Do as I say, not what I do!
Coaching Philosophy: Volleyball is a game. Games should be fun. Playing the game well is more fun and leads to players getting better. Improved skill leads to winning and Winning is really fun. Repeat the cycle.
Fun Facts: Worked as a trashman all during college summers to make money and get in shape for football. Visited 20+ MLB stadiums. Love to travel with the family, and attend UGA football games.
Q: What is your best coaching moment/memory? A: When a player approached me to tell me that she just quit playing soccer to focus on playing volleyball Q: What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? A: If you continue to challenge players, you will continue to be surprised at the outcome. Q: What advice would you give to middle school student hoping to play your sport in high school? A: Play, play, play. Indoors, outdoors. Hard court, grass, sand. You learn all of the skills just by playing the game. Q: Who has been your greatest coaching mentor? A: Doug Blystone, John Kunzier and Scott Branson showed me that even college players like to have fun while playing the game. Q: What is your favorite movie? A: Field of Dreams